I am working on my reel so I am posting stills from the vfx shots I worked on Planet Terror,
some of the shots were cleaned up by other artists but the animation, lighting and final composite were done by me...I will post a before and after soon... I must give credit to some very good and talented guys Drew De La Cruz that cleaned the hell plate, that has the main character running by the tow truck...that particular shot was quite painful for both him to clean up and I, to animate and match lighting and do a day for night color correction on.. Aaron Burns who cleaned up the plate for the destroyed city matte I did...also Rod Brunet that rigged the table leg/machine gun set up.....the Grindhouse logo was spliced from three different versions mine, Rod's and Chris'...some of the shots with Wray I added cg knifes, blood and blood stains on the zombies, the Machete trailer shot I did the cg machete and comp etc ...check back soon for the before and after.